Able Counseling & Associates, Inc.
Divorce Therapist
Able Counseling & Associates located (downtown & suburb) of Cleveland works to restore marriages and lives of those impacted by the pain of divorce. Able’s Marriage Counselors have spent extensive time researching the reasons for problems in relationships and issues that lead to divorce. They work hard to assist those going through divorces, those trying restore their marriages and those coming out of a broken relationship.
14100 Cedar Road Suite 190, 44121, Cleveland, OH, (440) 336-8687
Active Parenting Online Parenting Classes
Parenting Program
Active Parenting offers three different online parenting classes. Because it’s an online parenting class, you can complete the lessons wherever and whenever you would like, and review past lessons as many times as you need during the enrollment period. The online parenting classes also allow you to connect virtually with other parents to hold discussions and complete activities. (440) 336-8687
Akron Divorce Support Groups
Support Group
On January 15, 1934 The Chapel was ready for its first Sunday morning service. It was not an elaborate church, yet the potpourri of furnishings made The Chapel warmly welcoming–especially because the congregation has scrimped and saved for the love gifts used to furnish the church.
Divorce Recovery Workshop in Akron The Chapel,135 Fir Hill, 44304, Cleveland, OH, (440) 336-8687
Applewood Centers Inc.
Family Therapist
Applewood started as a school, an orphanage and a guidance clinic, but later evolved to the large behavioral health and social service organization it is today. Their services for children and families have spanned over 175 years and include counseling, as well as, psychiatric services.
10427 Detroit Ave, 44102, Cleveland, OH, (440) 336-8687
Mobile App
Artkive is the clutter-free way to save and enjoy your child’s artwork. Long gone are the days when the family fridge was covered with scribbles and test papers. The next time your child hands you a crayon drawing of the family cat just snap a photo with your mobile device, add a tag, and then store it. You can even make a book out of your child’s artwork.
Ashley Grinonneau-Denton, LLC
Divorce Therapist
Ashley Grinonneau-Denton, LLC offers individual, couples, and family therapy in a comfortable office setting. Ashley is dually licensed as a supervising clinical counselor and a marriage and family therapist. She is a PhD Candidate in Marriage and Family Therapy and remains committed to thorough and highly responsive care.
2460 Fairmount Blvd Suite 320, 44106, Cleveland, OH, (440) 336-8687
Catholic Charities Active Parenting Classes
Parenting Program
The Catholic Charities Diocese of Cleveland provides a wide array of active parenting classes across many locations in Cuyahoga County.
Center For Effective Living, Inc.
Family Therapy
The Center for Effective Living has been the premier private practice group in Northeast Ohio for psychotherapy and counseling for individuals and families for over 30 years. Their experienced professional staff comes from the various disciplines within the mental health field. As a result of the diversity of their staff, they have people trained and knowledgeable in the latest methods and procedures to treat a wide range of problems.
20800 Westgate Mall # 200, 44126, Cleveland, OH, (440) 336-8687
Was It The Chocolate Pudding?: A Story For Little Kids About Divorce
Tells the story of divorce in a typical family from the point of view of a young narrator. Readers learn about divorce, and receive age-appropriate explanations of what is happening regarding such issues as single-parent homes and joint custody.
Cleveland City Hall
Cleveland Community Resources
We are committed to improving the quality of life in the City of Cleveland by strengthening our neighborhoods, delivering superior services, embracing the diversity of our citizens, and making Cleveland a desirable, safe city in which to live, work, raise a family, shop, study, play and grow old.
601 Lakeside Ave, 44114, Cleveland, OH, (440) 336-8687
Cleveland Couples Center
Divorce Therapist
Cleveland Couples Center uses the Gestalt approach to couples counseling, which helps couples escape the trap of arguing about who is right or wrong about an issue and instead, helps you learn about the poor communication habits that get in the way of your being able to amicably resolve issues. The Cleveland Couples Center will help you replace these habits and develop the skills to rediscover the warmth and intimacy that brought you together to begin with. Over 30 years of experience counseling couples.
12417 Cedar Rd, 44106, Cleveland Hgts, OH, (440) 336-8687
Cleveland Divorce Support Groups
Support Group
Divorce leaves them hurting, confused and isolated. The experience for them is very traumatic and causes pain that lasts for months and even years. It affects their home life, school life, social life and even their future work and family life. Divorce Care: Most people will tell you that separation and divorce are the most painful and stressful experiences they’ve ever faced. It’s a confusing time when you feel isolated and have lots of questions about issues you’ve never faced before. Divorce Care meets weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life.
Divorce Care / Divorce Care for Kids 4004 Cypress Ave., 44109, Cleveland, OH, (440) 336-8687
Cleveland Public Library
Cleveland Community Resources
Cleveland Public Library (CPL) is the first public library in Ohio to offer automated vending of iPads and CPL myCloud laptops through the automated “TechToyBox”. The TechToyBoxes are available at TechCentral at Main Library, Fleet, and Lorain Branches.
325 Superior Ave E, 44114, Cleveland, OH, (440) 336-8687
Cuyahoga County Court of Domestic Relations
Cuyahoga County Court is the divorce court for Cleveland Ohio. Visit the site for essential court forms and additional divorce information.
1 W Lakeside Ave, 44113, Cleveland, OH, (440) 336-8687
Dinosaurs Divorce: A Guide For Changing Families
Dinosaurs Divorce is a book written for children to help them understand divorce terms and how to handle life after divorce.
Divorce Coping
Mobile App
Divorce Coping is an app that helps you cope with divorce one coping tip a day. Many of the tips are quite humorous. Laughter is the best medicine.
53 Broad Street, Lyme Regis, Dorset, (440) 336-8687
DivorceCare Support Group – Broadview Heights
Support Group
Welcome to CVC. We have several options for you to join us for weekend worship. The desire of our services is to honor Christ. Our worship is contemporary. Our dress is casual. We hope to see you on a coming weekend!
5055 East Wallings Road, 44141, Cleveland, OH, (440) 336-8687
DVCAC Parenting Classes
Parenting Program
The Adult Parenting Education Program is a 9-week educational program with a new evidence-based curriculum from the ACT Raising Safe Kids program.
2806 Payne Ave, 44114, Cleveland, OH, (440) 336-8687
Mobile App
Evernote is your catch-all planner/notebook perfect for keeping busy co-parents organized. You can track work hours, jot down ideas, and even save recipes you find on the web. You can easily save articles you find on the web or just take a photo of a hydrangea you would like to get for the garden. Setting up different notebooks is simple and the app is free.
Family and Personal Counseling Services
Family Therapy
Family & Personal Counseling Services is an association of licensed, independent behavioral health practitioners who share office space and administrative services. Their clinicians have combined their specialties into a collaborative practice that offers their clients a variety of therapeutic modalities and the highest quality care for a wide range of presenting issues.
14701 Detroit Ave, 44107, Lakewood, OH, (440) 336-8687
Family Pride Of Northeast Ohio
Family Counseling
The Family Pride Team believes that families are the building blocks to healthy children, healthy communities and a positive future. For this reason, they work collectively with all family members that may have a positive and/or negative impact on our clients. Family counseling focuses on dynamics of the entire family including – communication, problem solving, role development and, most importantly, healthy bonding.
695 South Street #6, 44024, Chardon, OH, (440) 336-8687
Fathers and Families Together Program
Parenting Program
The Center For Families and Children’s Fathers and Families Together program is designed to provide fathers with the tools to become caring, committed and responsible fathers. Goals are achieved in a variety of ways, including through participation in formally structured workshops and connection to community resources.
1941 S. Taylor Rd, 44118, Cleveland Hts, OH, (440) 336-8687
Goodwill Parenting Skills Training
Parenting Program
Goodwill understands the importance and influence one person has on the members of their family, and ultimately, their community. The goal of the parenting skills training classes is to help that one person unlock his or her true potential and become the best possible version of himself or herself. (440) 336-8687
Healthcare Organization
Cleveland Community Resources
As a nonprofit, community healthcare organization, we are dedicated to considering the whole person. Our goals include educating to prevent issues from arising, meeting challenges with a wide range of outpatient treatment options and supportive services that help restore long-term wellness.
3950 Chester Avenue, 44114, Cleveland, OH, (440) 336-8687
Horizons Counseling Services Inc.
Family Therapy
Horizons Counseling Services is a group of experienced and diverse clinicians, mostly psychologists. They have been in business since 1979 and believe life can be fulfilling and rewarding with a little help.
5851 Pearl Rd # 305, 44130, Cleveland, OH, (440) 336-8687
Integrative Mindfulness, LLC
Divorce Therapist
Integrative Mindfulness exists to help you build a sense of confidence in your ability to both change and heal. Integrative mindfulness offers a straightforward and thoughtful approach that values and accepts the complex facets of what makes you who you are.
3109 Mayfield Rd Ste 204, 44118, Cleveland Hgts, OH, (440) 336-8687
Kate Bremer, PCC-S
Divorce Therapist
There is nothing more discouraging than being told how to raise your children by someone who has never had any. Kate has first hand experience dealing with marriage, divorce, re-marriage, parenting, single parenting, and step-parenting. She’ll help you overcome your hurdles to become the best parent you can be.
15256 Triskett Rd, 44111, Cleveland, OH, (440) 336-8687
Developed by Intuit, Mint allows you to track your income and expenses, even setting up goals like tucking away money in an emergency fund or long-term dreams like retirement. The secure app taps into your existing bank accounts and downloads transactions whenever you access the Mint application. It’s easy to establish budgets and the app will tell you what you’ve spent so far that month and how much is left based on your preferences.
Mom’s House, Dad’s House
Internationally renowned therapist, family expert and mediator Isolina Ricci, Ph.D. presents this definitive and newly updated guide to divorce and making shared custody work for parents and children.
Nancy Lowrie & Associates LLC
Support Group
Separate groups for Children, Teens, Parents. These groups help participants navigate divorce and the many changes it brings, to feel better at home, and to perform better at school or work.
Nancy Lowrie & Associates LLC 11565 Pearl Road Suite 200, 44136, Cleveland, OH, (440) 336-8687
North Coast Family Foundation
Divorce Therapist
North Coast Family Foundation is an out-patient mental health practice that has counselors and psychologists who provide psychological and counseling services to all who seek our services.
However, many who desire to utilize and honor their faith choose our services due to our training and experience in the field of Christian counseling, a specialty recognized by many insurance companies. NCFF never imposes Christianity on its clients but is willing to integrate faith into treatment with those who express a desire to involve their belief in God.
6929 W 130th St #500, 44130, Parma Heights, OH, (440) 336-8687
Our Family Wizard
Mobile App
Our Family Wizard is the tool you need to simplify shared custody. You can use the app to share messages, communicate expenses, and update your spouse about items like the children’s doctor’s visits. Best of all, you don’t have to involve your children by making them messengers between you and your ex spouse. By using the journaling function, “he said/she said” conflicts can be reduced. It’s written in stone so there’s no question about when, where and what took place.
1302 Second Street Northeast, Ste. 200, 55413, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Out of Milk
Mobile App
Out of Milk provides a cross-platform way to come up with your weekly grocery list. By adding your zip code you can browse and choose sale items from your local stores’ published ads. As you pick items, you can categorize them according to your preference. Have a coupon? Just check off the coupon box and even add in the coupon amount. The shopping list will keep track of your proposed spending while you sit on the couch.
Parenting Apart
This comprehensive and empowering guide is filled with practical, effective ways to minimize the effects of divorce on children, and offers immediate solutions to the most critical parenting problems divorce brings.
The City Mission
Cleveland Community Resources
As one of Cleveland’s most recognized charities, The City Mission has served hundreds of thousands of men, women and children over the past 100 years. We welcome those who are struggling with homelessness, poverty, and various crises, meeting them at their point of need with practical help, loving concern and spiritual direction. Since 1910 our mission has remained steadfast: Providing help and hope to all people through the transforming power of God’s love. We invite you to discover how you can further join us in Reaching Hearts and Changing Lives. Explore our new website, come for a tour, explore volunteering, get your company or church involved or become a financial partner.
5310 Carnegie Avenue, 44103, Cleveland, OH, (440) 336-8687
The Cleveland Foundation
Cleveland Community Resources
The Cleveland Foundation has helped citizens give back to their community since 1914. Still, many societal ills remain, and some are worsening. We must develop new ways of educating, creating jobs and wealth, and solving problems we have only begun to comprehend. Our staff and board of directors have identified six areas to which we now proactively direct a growing percentage of our grant dollars. Today two-thirds of our flexible grant dollars support projects in these priority areas, with the goal of creating significant, widespread impact. The balance of our grantmaking dollars is awarded in response to direct requests from the community.
1422 Euclid Avenue Suite 1300, 44115, Cleveland, OH, (440) 336-8687
The Truth About Children and Divorce
Nationally recognized expert Robert Emery applies his twenty-five years of experience as a researcher, therapist, and mediator to offer parents a new road map to divorce. Dr. Emery shows how our powerful emotions and the way we handle them shape how we divorce—and whether our children suffer or thrive in the long run.
375 Hudson St., 10014-3657, New York, NY
Westlake Divorce Support Group
Support Group
Dr. Megan Schaecher-Pecek provides a process group in Westlake for those who are divorced and seeking support.
24500 Center Ridge Road Suite 195, 44145, Westlake, OH, (440) 336-8687

Every Story Has Meaning
We're Here to Help You Achieve Results
Keep searching for the right lawyer for your jurisdiction. You'll know when you have the right one. If it doesn't feel right, keep searching. In Cuyahoga County, it's Eric Laubacher and Co.- Chris N.
I was represented by Mr. Laubacher and his team for 14 months. They were professional and thorough with my divorce. I received a settlement that was fair and equitable You can't ask for any more than that. Bravo!- Timothy M.
They helped make me feel comfortable during a very unsure time. I really enjoyed working with them and would highly recommend Laubacher & Co.- Audrey P.
Eric is an outstanding person and was an incredibly helpful resource in the hardest days of my life. I would recommend him to anyone!- Jordan G.
His experience is second to none and I recommend Laubacher and Co to anyone in need of an experienced and hard-working attorney.- Thomas C.
Eric and his staff were excellent in helping me to navigate a divorce. They took the time to explain the possible outcomes and potential pitfalls of decisions to be made. In the end, they worked very well with the opposing attorney to come to a mutually beneficial agreement for my ex spouse, as well as our child. Without his well explained guidance through the process, things could have turned very sour quickly. I'd highly recommend this firm for their professionalism, and true compassion for not only their client, but for the entire family involved. They truly work to do the right thing.- Robert S.
I do not have the words to express the amount of gratitude I have for this entire firm, from the attorneys to the support staff. They were my support system during one of the most challenging times I have faced as an adult. They are honest, ethical, and realistic with what my expectations should be. I will never use another firm. They have now represented me on multiple matters and they always conduct themselves in a more than professional manner. I cannot thank Laubacher & Co. enough for everything they have done for myself and my family. These are truly good people that only focus on the best interest of their client.- Christie M.
Laubacher & Co. is compassionate, caring, and treats you like family. They are well known and respected in court, making you feel comfortable with their representation. I always felt valued, not just like a client. They fought for the best interests of my son, and we won!- Wendy M.
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