In our recently-published Blueprints for a Divorce Free Home, we highlighted a number of everyday steps that spouses can take to strengthen their marriages and find ways to show love and respect for one another. From taking more responsibility for household chores to making time to sit down for family meals, there are numerous little things that spouses can do not only show that they care, but to actually help strengthen their bonds as well.
But, we all know the statistics: About half of all marriages end in divorce; and, in Ohio, the rate is actually slightly higher. So, if you want to stay together and are wondering if your marriage may require more attention (or perhaps professional help), here are some of the most common factors that are known to lead to divorce:
Signs Your Marriage May Need Work to Avoid Divorce
According to Reader’s Digest and Today, the following are among the most common warning signs that a marriage may be headed toward divorce:
- Speaking Without Communicating. What do you and your spouse talk about on a daily basis? Do you share ideas and have meaningful discussions? Or, are your conversations limited to superficial topics like the weather and your weekly grocery list? When spouses begin sharing less about themselves and lose interest in inquiring about one another’s lives, these can often be early warning signs of an eventual divorce.
- Disagreements Over Major Decisions. While constructive arguments can be healthy, some divides are so great that they can trigger a divorce. Disagreeing over whether to have children is perhaps the most common example, though unwavering differences with regard to education, career ambitions, relocating, and other major life decisions can be enough to lead to separation as well.
- Focusing More on Individual Pursuits. Maintaining personal hobbies and friends is important to a healthy marriage, but when spouses use their divergent interests as excuses to spend time apart, this too can be a potential warning sign for divorce. If you find that you and your spouse are spending less time together or are beginning to have less in common, you may need to prioritize finding shared interests if you hope to stay together.
Lack of Intimacy. Intimacy, including but not limited to sexual relations, has been shown to be a critical component of a successful marriage. While ebbs and flows are normal, lack of physical affection can lead to a marriage that is more of a partnership and less of a love-based relationship. The former is far more likely to end in divorce.
- Easy Things are Hard. Is everything a disagreement? Are you uncomfortable making even minor decisions because you are concerned about how your spouse will react? The stress from constant difficulties and persistent drama is often enough to lead unhappy spouses to file for divorce.
- Lack of Progress. Similarly, if you and your spouse constantly have the same arguments over and over without making headway or reaching a compromise, this can be a sign that you may not be compatible long-term.
- You Are Not Happy. Finally, are you happy? If not, it is worth forcing yourself to honestly assess whether an unfulfilling marriage may be to blame. Getting married is supposed to improve people’s lives, not drag them down, and among spouses in all age groups unhappiness is increasingly becoming reason enough to file for divorce.
Speak with a Cleveland Lawyer
Laubacher & Co. is a Cleveland, OH law firm that represents individuals in divorces and other family law matters. If you are contemplating divorce and would like to discuss your options with an experienced attorney, call (440) 336-8687 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation today.