How To Celebrate Valentine’s Day As A Divorced Parent
Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and, as a result, it seems as though everyone is making plans for how they will spend the day with their significant other.
But what about those who are currently considering the option of divorce and will be spending the holiday as a divorced parent?
As family law attorneys, we have a very personal view and understanding of the readjustment process parents have to go through following a divorce. That said, it is often hard for parents who are in the midst of a divorce to figure out the right way to spend holidays that are generally spent with the entire family or a significant other.
Well, this Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be depressing or even unenjoyable if you and your spouse are in the middle of a divorce or a dissolution of marriage. Chances are, your biggest concern is how the holiday will play out for your children who are more than likely used to being with both parents during times like this.
To help you stay motivated to be the pillar of support and affection your children need even through holidays that are reserved for spending time with a significant other, here are three tips for celebrating Valentine’s Day as a divorced parent.
Focus on Your Child(ren)
The biggest challenge you’ll face is trying to avoid being overcome by the raw emotions that commonly consume individuals who are experiencing or have recently experienced – a divorce. Hence, focusing on your children will help with motivating you to rise above those emotions and spend your time expressing your love and affection for them.
Your goal is to find new ways to keep your children excited about holidays like these. If you are depressed about your situation, those emotions are likely to your children and the road following your divorce will become that much harder. Remember, to your children, your role as a parent is even more important than it already was now that you and your spouse are no longer married.
Stay Busy with other Priorities
Somehow, someway the holidays seem to go by slowly following a divorce. That’s generally because divorced parents do not have the energy or spirit to carry out the activities that they use to engage in when they were married – leaving a lot of time on their hands.
However, when you are divorcing, one of the major adjustments that will take place will have a lot to do with how you are handling your priorities. So, you’ll want to ensure that your new agenda or schedule is able to keep your focus on those priorities even when a holiday such as Valentine’s Day does roll around.
Consider Starting New Traditions
If it is just too hard for you to carry out the same traditions with your children as you did when you were married, consider starting new ones. Your children will appreciate this just as much as you will.
New traditions will help you base your celebrations around your new family set-up and the plans and interests of you and your children moving forward.
Laubacher & Co. Wants to Speak with You about Your Divorce Options
For some, all roads seem to lead to divorce despite any alternatives that have been considered. If this is the case for you and your spouse, and the next move to be made is going through with the divorce process, allow our Laubacher & Co. family law attorneys to be your legal representation for the divorce process.
We want to talk to you about your rights and remedies so we can help you make the best decision possible regarding your divorce or the dissolution of your marriage.